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Set Layer Filters to Display New Layers
Tip# 3253 By Bill Neuhauser On 09-Aug-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : Layer Manager
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
You can filter layers according to any of their properties or even by more than one property.

Bill Neuhauser uses layer filters and needed a way that could handle new layer creation inside a filter. Here is what he did.

"How many use layer filters? How many times have you created a new layer while in a layer filter only to wonder where the new layer is? When AutoCAD creates a new layer, it calls it Layer1, but the problem is that you are currently in a layer filter that is filtering only C3-* layers (for example). So where is that new Layer1? Somewhere under the base filter!

"Well, a thought came across my mind when this happened today! Why not just include in every layer filter a filter to include Layer*. Too simple, right? Why didn’t Autodesk think of this years ago? Heck, why didn’t I think of this years ago?

"The next time you create a layer filter at the bottom of the list of filters just add in one for Layer*. This way all new layers created will now show up in any of your layer filters." 

NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: Layer filters are very useful, especially when there are many layers in a drawing, or when you are xrefing files. Filters will sort and display layers according to a criteria that you designate. You can filter layers according to any of their properties or even by more than one property. If you want to see all thawed layers that are yellow, set up to variables in a filter.


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Comment by Kuenning,Chris
Posted on 2009-09-08 17:54:20
Nice Tip! After trying your idea on the file I was working on at the time I found layers by the name of Layer1, Layer2 and Layer3; apparently others working on this file ran into the same problem.