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Tip# ALSPSOL0505 By Tony Hotchkiss On 01-May-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 872
Categories : Import, OLE Files
Software type : AutoCAD
Places Notes in Paper Space Based on Attributes in a Model Space XREF

This month's request comes from Fernando Salazar of Phoenix, Arizona. Fernando wants to use attribute numbers from an external reference in model space to place keynotes from an Excel file onto a selected paper space layout. The external reference is a floor plan similar to figure 1.

The floor plan may include any combination of numbered items, and for each numbered item, a keynote is placed on a paper space layout. An Excel file originally contained the numbers and keynotes, as shown (figure 2).

This month's AutoLISP solution is KEYNOTE.LSP and the corresponding dialog box file KEYNOTE.DCL. The routine lets you select a comma-delimited file exported from Excel, and then specify a layout, with text height and line spacing, so you can place the list of keynotes at your selected location on the paper space layout.



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