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Plot Aerial Images
Tip# 4519 By Benzigar Peter On 10-Aug-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Image
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Import Bing Maps and print them in AutoCAD 2015 and Civil 3D 2015 and later.

Some CAD users seem to be unaware that Autodesk has reinstated the plotting facility of the aerial maps. The Geographiclocation command that provides high-resolution satellite imagery for anywhere on earth, in any coordinate system, is powered by the Bing Maps search engine and is very effective. On previous AutoCAD versions (specifically, 2013 and 2014), the map is visible, but not printable. However, in AutoCAD and Civil 3D 2015, this issue has been taken care off as it allows users to grab the portion that the user would like to print.
I noticed one issue — the images are not as updated as you can get from the Google Earth. It creates lots of issues in rapidly evolving areas.
To begin with, login to the AutoDesk 360 account. Enter the command Geographiclocation or select Insert / Set Location from the Ribbon.
After the aerial image is in the right co-ordinate system, use the Capture Area command to select the area required to plot. We can remove the whole aerial image by using the GeoRemove command or select Remove Location from the Ribbon.
Refer to this AutoCAD help file for more assistance.

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: The ability to bring in Google Maps into AutoCAD and Civil 3D was dropped a while back, but as Peter points out here, the ability to import Bing Maps and print them exists in AutoCAD 2015 and Civil 3D 2015 and later. As noted, you do need to have an Autodesk 360 account.


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