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Embed Images
Tip# 3459 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 12-Jul-2010
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Image
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Embed raster images into an AutoCAD file.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky, of the Better Than Nothing AutoLISP web site, shares with us a way to embed raster images into an AutoCAD file.

"Yesterday our client asked for a drawing with all xrefs and images bound to the file so they can have everything in one file. There were no problems with the xrefs, as you might expect, but there were also a couple of images attached. So the solution I found was to first save the JPG images as BMP files, then insert them into the drawing as OLE objects."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: AutoCAD files are not really drawings; they are files that contain data. When we print specific representations of our data, we create drawings. Our CAD data can consist of our own linework and text, referenced CAD files, or even referenced image files.

AutoCAD can bind (or embed) other DWG files into our working files easily. It can't really embed image files that are referenced, but try Len's method of embedding image files as OLE (object linking and embedding) objects. An embedded OLE object is a copy of another file. There is no link to the embedded data.

To embed objects into AutoCAD, use the InsertObj command. To bind a referenced CAD file, use the Bind feature in the xref manager. Also, try using the ETransmit feature in AutoCAD to ensure that all referenced objects in your file are sent to your client.



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User comments
Comment by McSwain,R.K.
Posted on 2010-07-12 16:31:48
You can actually attach a JPG as an OLE without converting it to BMP. Starting in 2008, Autodesk Raster Design includes a command (IEMBED) to embed certain types of raster images, and lastly there are 3rd party programs out there that can convert the image into native AutoCAD entities (we use the one from Dotsoft.com) - eliminating the reference also.
Comment by Wallner,Mark
Posted on 2010-08-10 16:55:50
What version of AutoCAD are you using, McSwain? I can't find a way to embed JPGs in ACAD 2009. And what are you using to convert .JPG to .bmp, Leonid? I've been unable to get decent resolution out of this process.