Senior Project Manager Mitch King expands on a previous tip about inserting digitized signatures into AutoCAD files.
"To attach signatures and professional seals, I do something very similar to what Leonid Nemirovsky describes in his tip titled 'Insert Signatures.' I prepare an 8.5" x 11" sheet with 5% grayscale linework matching our title blocks. I sign and seal the page, then scan it as a black-and-white bitmap to eliminate any grayscale ghosted background that may pop up. The faint grid helps size and position the seal and signature on our title block.
"I always sign, seal, and date my scanned signatures. After the drafter has prepared the plot files or plotted the drawing, I move the bitmap file into a password-protected ZIP file so it cannot be used again. Dating the signature and seal acts as a backup to protect my seal and signature in case I forget to 'put away' the signature bitmap. If someone changes the plans a few weeks later without my approval, the plan revision dates and plotted-on dates will not match the signature and seal date."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: When a drawing set is large, it is difficult to sign and seal every sheet. Make sure your method of signing drawings is accepted before you submit, and take precautions to safeguard your digital signature.
Another way to protect your AutoCAD files is to use the security options available when you save a file: Use the Save As command. Before saving, click on the Security Options button in the upper right-hand corner. Here you will get a dialog box where you can password-protect your file or add a verified digital signature to your file, if you have one. Again, check with your submittal agency to make sure this will satisfy their requirements. It likely won’t, but it is a way to secure your digital files. |