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Adjust Hatch Origin
Tip# 4515 By Tina Stimpson On 03-Aug-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Hatch Data
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Adjust your hatch origin to get it to appear correctly in AutoCAD.

Have you ever placed a hatch in AutoCAD only to discover it does not look like the pattern you selected? Here is a trick you might try before you pull your hair out trying to figure out why it is not showing up correctly.

The hatch here is supposed to be a concrete hatch:

To get it to appear correctly, click on the hatch and right-click. Select Set Origin, and then click inside the area where you want the hatch to be.


If for some reason it still doesn't look correct and you have the hatch somewhere else in your drawing that does look correct, try these steps.

  • Create a boundary (on a no plot layer) of the area you want to hatch.
  • Copy the existing hatch from elsewhere in the file. Trim this hatch to the boundary you created.

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: Years ago, you used to have to set the Snapbase system variable before creating the hatch object in order to adjust the hatch origin. Nowadays, it's as easy as described in Tina's tip here. See also Tip #3618.


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User comments
Comment by Snyder,Bob
Posted on 2015-08-05 13:21:02
This tip is good, it fixes the glitch. Tip #3618 is the great one, the Set Origin really allows you to fine-tune your Hatches to align with each other or with other objects.