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Adjust Linetype Scale for Model vs. Paper Space
Tip# 3224 By Shane Wells On 28-Jun-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : File Options
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This tip helps control a drawing's linetype scale.

Shane Wells sent us a tip on controlling a drawing's linetype scale.

"Ever experience linetype scales that won’t cooperate in-between model space and layout/paper space? For instance, your hidden lines look great in model space but when you switch to paper space they appear to be continuous line! Frustrating, I know. Try this.

1. "While in model space invoke the Ltscale system variable by typing it in at the command line and pressing enter; for a value enter 1.

2. "In layout/paper space invoke the Psltscale system variable by typing it into the command line also and press enter; for a value type 0. This will always correct your issues if your drawing properties are drawn in model space with a Ltscale of 1. (Can be verified by selecting a drawing segment such as line, arc, etc. and checking the Ltscale in its properties dialog box.)

"NOTE: You may have to refresh your viewports to show the change."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Before paper space all we had to draw in was model space. As the scale of your drawing changed, so did your line type scale. With paper space that variable can be more constant and easier to manage. If Psltscale is set to 0, the line type scale for each object is controlled by the Ltscale value. If Psltscale is set to 1 then the line type scale for each object is scaled according to the paper space drawing units. If you have multiple viewports, at different scales, then you will get different results according to which Psltscale setting you are using. If it is set to 0 then each dash will be sized according to the Ltscale. If Psltscale is set to 1, then the object's line types will be scaled by each viewport's units so that each dash in each viewport will be the same length. You may need to alter this setting to get the result you want.


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User comments
Comment by Saltsman,Steve
Posted on 2009-06-29 14:17:39
This is a matter of situation and opinion, I have had better results by setting up a standard that requires all annotation not for a title block to be done in a xref to the plotted drawing. Many large firm work this way. I am assuming that you are not addressing Annotative objects since it is not mentioned. Our working drawing is set up with the following settings: MSLtscale=0; LTScale=0.5*Dimscale; Psltscale=1; and Dimscale set as needed. Now on the plotting drawing the MSLtscale=0; LTScale=0.5, PSLTscale=0;and Dimscale=1. (this is assuming your borders are set up as 1=1 or actual size) This method has never failed me in the 20 years I have been using AutoCAD. Of course make sure your firm agrees with the LTScale setting, everyone has a little different way they want to see linetypes. This response does not address annotative styles. and I am not saying that the proposed method by Shane does not work. This is just a friendly difference in opinion. Thank you.
Comment by Elrod,Kent
Posted on 2009-06-29 15:03:41
For 2009 and 2010 it is much easier to set MSLTSCALE to 1, LTSCALE to 0.5, and PSLTSCALE to 1. The linetypes will show whether you are in MS or PS and in PS the linetypes will have the same length segments. In earlier releases, having LTSCALE set to 1 while in MS means you won't see the linetype. Prior to MSLTSCALE being available I alway toggled the LTSCALE before going to MS with a simple menu pick to set it to 48, for example.