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Text Tricks
Tip# 3197 By Cheryl Smeed On 10-May-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : Edit Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2009
Rename File To : No Files to download.
A trio of tips to help save time.

Cheryl Smeed sends this trio of tiny text tips.

• "When you finish editing text, instead of clicking OK, just click in the background screen area."

• “I tend to type in commands, so I type MT or DT whether I'm using multiline or single-line text, but recently realized I can type in T instead of MT.”

• "I like the conversion in Express/Text/Convert Text to Mtext."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: These are all useful tips that you may or may not know. There are several ways to end your mtext editing session: Click the OK button, click outside the text editor, press Ctrl+Enter, or hit the Esc key. Pressing the Esc key displays a pop-up window asking if you want to save or discard the changes you made. You can turn this warning off if you want, but it might be a good idea to keep it active, just in case.


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User comments
Comment by Hirschklau,Mitchell
Posted on 2009-05-11 14:07:55
"...but recently realized I can type in T instead of MT.” A reminder, the "T" for MTEXT usage is the DEFAULT AutoCAD command alias (as stored in the acad.pgp or aclt.pgp file). This usage can be - and often is - customized. In particular older users or older firms (one's with long CAD histories) often have the "T" command alias call DTEXT rather than the MTEXT default. "Custom" Command Aliases, especially for the "visiting" or contract-assignment user, are one of the most common areas of confusion.
Comment by Hirschklau,Mitchell
Posted on 2009-05-11 14:09:09
"...but recently realized I can type in T instead of MT.” A reminder, the "T" for MTEXT usage is the DEFAULT AutoCAD command alias (as stored in the acad.pgp or aclt.pgp file). This usage can be - and often is - customized. In particular older users or older firms (one's with long CAD histories) often have the "T" command alias call DTEXT rather than the MTEXT default. "Custom" Command Aliases, especially for the "visiting" or contract-assignment user, are one of the most common areas of confusion.
Comment by Hirschklau,Mitchell
Posted on 2009-05-11 14:11:46
"...but recently realized I can type in T instead of MT.” A reminder, the "T" for MTEXT usage is the DEFAULT AutoCAD command alias (as stored in the acad.pgp or aclt.pgp file). This usage can be - and often is - customized. In particular older users or older firms (one's with long CAD histories) often have the "T" command alias call DTEXT rather than the MTEXT default. "Custom" Command Aliases, especially for the "visiting" or contract-assignment user, are one of the most common areas of confusion.