Designer Carol McKeough shows us how to create text in AutoCAD that is formatted to be either a superscript or a subscript.
"I picked up this great tip for subscripting and superscripting mtext from a co-worker. It uses the caret symbol, which is Shift + 6 on the keyboard. - To subscript, type in the following:
^desired text string - To superscript, type in the following:
desired text string^
Then, highlight the text and caret symbol, right-click, and select Stack." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: This handy tip is easy to forget about unless you super- or subscript text often. The Stack option in the right-click menu is typically used to create stacked fractions, but as you see, it can do more than that! Instead of right-clicking, you can always click the Stack button in the MText Editor to stack or unstack text. |