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Rotate Text
Tip# 3207 By Shawn Samaniego On 31-May-2009
Rated By 3 users Downloaded : 1019
Categories : Edit Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : tr.lsp,__MACOSX/,__MACOSX/._tr.lsp
This tip works for both single-line and Mtext objects.

Shawn Samaniego sent us a routine that will rotate your text to match the angle of an object.

"I use this command daily, so I have included it in my ACADDOC.LSP," he says. "Enter the command alias TR. Rotate text to line alignment. The routine does not work with polylines."

See attached LSP file: TR.LSP

NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: Works for both single-line and mtext objects. Select your object to match, enter, and then select the text to rotate. You can rotate one text object at a time.


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User comments
Comment by Wilson,Dwayne
Posted on 2009-06-05 10:52:23
TR is the default command alias for Trim so this will not work for me, I went to the lisp file to rename it but could not understand this type of code
Comment by Maser,Andrew
Posted on 2009-07-14 15:33:30
i like this function a lot, but it doesn't seem to work on any text (or MTEXT) objects that are annotative? Can this be modified so that it does work for annotative text objects?