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Rotate and Oblique Text
Tip# 3208 By Ian Whistler On 31-May-2009
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 516
Categories : Edit Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : rotate-and-oblique-330.lsp,RO-OB 330.bmp,RO-OB 30.bmp,rotate-and-oblique-30.lsp
Rotate and/or oblique text as shown

Piping designer Ian Whistler sends these tips to rotate and oblique text.

"As a shortcut you can set up buttons as outlined below, or type RO-OB30 or RO-OB330 each time you wish to use one of the tips. To use each command, have the text selected already or select the command then select the text you want to change."

The end result of using the two tips:

Set Up Shortcut Buttons Open the Customize User Interface by typing CUI.

Step 1 – In the top left pane right click ‘LISP Files’ and click ‘Load LISP’.

Step 2 – Load the attached files with the .LSP extension and click open. Click Apply.

Step 3 – Follow the steps above for Zero Z to create a button, but name it RO-OB 30 and in the macro field type ^C^CRO-OB30 and use the RO-OB 30.bmp as the images.

Step 4 – Repeat step 3 but use 330 instead of 30. See attached LSP files: rotate-and-oblique-30.lsp, rotate-and-oblique-330.lsp

NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: Both commands work great, but they will not oblique mtext objects. They will rotate them accordingly though.


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