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Put a Spell on Your Text
Tip# 3908 By Rebekah Wolf On 11-Jun-2012
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Edit Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Use AutoCAD to double-check your spelling.

Rebekah S. Wolf, a CADD technician, shares a tip for managing text errors in AutoCAD.

"I work with a lot of labels and notes. A great way to avoid spelling mistakes in a drawing is to run AutoCAD's internal spell check by invoking the Spell command before exiting."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton:
I have seen many misspellings in AutoCAD text and notes in my time — I'm sure we all have. It's even worse when we commit these errors ourselves. There are a few ways to eliminate them, or to at least reduce the number of mistakes. Follow this tipster's advice and use the Spell command in AutoCAD. You can spell-check the entire file, or just selected text. You can also turn on automatic spell check, which will indicate your spelling errors while you are editing text. Right-click in the Text Editor, click Editor Settings, then turn on Check Spelling. You will see a check mark by this option if it is turned on.


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