Kevin Land can't stand "jumping" text when he's working in AutoCAD, and he's found a way to prevent it. "I hate it when text moves, when all I wanted to do was change the justification point. Sometimes I've worked on existing drawings where all the text looks lined up, but actually isn't. In this situation, you select all the text, go into Properties, and change the justification, only to have all the text jump around on you. That's when I use the Justify Text Express Tool. You can find it by going into your Express Toolbar > Text > Justify Text, or enter TJust on the Command line. Simply enter the command, select the text, and type in the justification you want. All the text will change to the correct justification point without moving on the screen! This also works with mtext." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: I've seen this happen, and it drives me crazy too! It probably happens more often with single-line text than with multiline text. The TJust, or Justify Text command, will keep all of the text objects where they are while changing the justification. It's a very handy command. |