Robert Zipprich sent us this “Old School” tool. A handy tool that has been around since 1988 is CHTEXT.LSP by Autodesk. It still works with AutoCAD v2007 (Cadalyst Tip Patrol tested it on AutoCAD 2009 with no problem) and has come in handy in changing manufacturer drawing font style fractions from the AutoCAD FRACTION.SHX to our client’s specific font SHX fractions. Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: CHTEXT no longer comes with AutoCAD. According to my research, the last time it was a full function in AutoCAD was release 12! It was removed in r13 but put back in r14 as an express tool. It has not been released with AutoCAD since then. CHTEXT is a very powerful tool when editing single line text objects. It cannot edit Mtext. With it, users can change any property of a single line text object like size, content, style, height, width, and more. A very nice feature about this routine is that users can edit text objects either one at a time or globally. If there is a drawing containing many occurrences of single line text, then CHTEXT can be very useful indeed. |