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Tip# 3229 By Skip Millett On 05-Jul-2009
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Edit Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This command will alter the case of text in a variety of ways.

Skip Millett sent us a tip demonstrating a command that will alter the case of text in many different ways. "The Express tool Tcase is probably more helpful when converting text to uppercase, or some other case. It works for single-line text and mtext, and you can select multiple entities. In addition to uppercase, it also gives options for sentence case, lowercase, title case, and even the rarely used 'tOGGLE cASE,' which makes the text case opposite of what is there."

NOTES FROM THE CADALYST TIP PATROL: In a previous tip, we shared how to use Ctrl+Shift+U to convert selected text to uppercase and Ctrl+Shift+L for lowercase. That method was easy enough, but Skip’s tip gives us more control in the case change. It also gives us many more options to work with.


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