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Add Headers to an Existing Table
Tip# 4045 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 14-Jan-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Edit Tables
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Quickly add headers to an AutoCAD table.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares a trick to help you add headers to an AutoCAD table with a quick copy-and-paste maneuver.

"If your table looks like the one below and you need to add headings to the second part quickly, just follow these steps.

Add two more rows (or as many as needed to accommodate all your table headings) as shown below.

Highlight them and right-click, choose Copy, then highlight two rows as shown below and select Paste.

All you need now is to just adjust the width of rows, if necessary, and you are done."

Notes from Brian Benton, Cadalyst tip reviewer: AutoCAD tables are very powerful and can do many things that a regular spreadsheet program can do. In fact, if you have ever used a spreadsheet program you will find that AutoCAD tables share many of the same functions and methods for working with cells, rows, columns, and formulas.


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User comments
Comment by Greenberg,Allisona
Posted on 2013-01-25 14:53:00
Why not just automate it by switching "Repeat top labels" to "yes" using the Properties palette (under "Table Breaks")?
Comment by nemirovsky,len
Posted on 2013-01-28 11:02:39
YES... see mi next tip :)
Comment by nemirovsky,len
Posted on 2013-01-28 11:08:41
sorry this is continuation of previous comment: In AutoCAD - ALWAYS more then one way to do things, I was just trying to give different ways to work with tables, and in the next tip as you sad I mentionn "Repeating " the heading (or bottom part) and breaking table in pieces and moving these pieces around :)