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Easily Rename Blocks
Tip# 4487 By Kent Cooper On 15-Jun-2015
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 3467
Categories : Object Properties, Edit Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : RenameBlock.lsp
This AutoLISP routine offers an easy way to rename blocks.

This entry was enough of an improvement on Tip #3751, Rename Blocks, that we thought it deserved a new entry spot. Tip #3751 allows you to rename a block in AutoCAD by picking the block to select it. This is especially handy for pasted in blocks whose name is usually something like A$CFG5D32S.

This entry provides two big improvements. The first is that you can select the block before executing the command, and the second is that you are prompted to rename the block in a dialog box rather than at the Command line. After you load the AutoLISP file, the command name to execute is RB.


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User comments
Comment by Anderson,Jim
Posted on 2015-06-15 11:45:15
The previous routine was good, this is even better, although I'm not sure why there is a button to edit the name in the Text Editor - it doesn't work with me anyway.
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2015-06-19 11:00:07
Yeah, I wanted to not have that element, but it's just part of the text-editor window that the (lisped) function brings up. I don't remember where I learned of the existence of (lisped), but it's an undocumented function, so I couldn't look into whether there are any options such as to suppress the "Full editor..." button.