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Block Corrections
Tip# 2016 By Alexander Smirnov On 01-Feb-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 324
Categories : Edit Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2016: BTZ.lsp
BTZ.lsp, also by Alexander Smirnov, fixes errant references in blocks.

The third tip from Alexander, Block Corrections (Tip #2016), is a tool for fixing errant references in blocks. An errant reference might be something that is defined to a particular layer and thus does not change based on the insert environment. Although this feature is useful as an example, it is also quite practical, as there are times when you want to fix a block definition so all objects behave according to normal insertion rules -- only to find that it is difficult and somewhat tedious to accomplish. Not any more. Load the LSP file supplied and type the command Btz. Next select how you want the blocks to be updated. The choices are by byBlock, byLayer or Current. Current means that the color attribute is set to the current layer color. All the objects in the definitions of the blocks selected will now be updated so they contain the byBlock, ByLayer or direct color number reference as selected. These three tips from Alexander are great!



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