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Place Insulation Using a Dynamic Block
Tip# 3948 By Steve Lander On 06-Aug-2012
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1690
Categories : Dynamic Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : Insulation.dwg
Use a dynamic insulation block instead of the Batting linetype.

Steve Lander shares his modified insulation block that is a dynamic block for AutoCAD.

“This dynamic insulation block is made with a vertical height of 1 mm, so it can be scaled to your required height. I favor placing insulation using this method, instead of the Batting linetype, because it is completely independent of linetype scales.

"The original version was posted on the Autodesk discussion boards some years ago. I have added some enhancements, including a nested block to keep file size down, two-way stretch, an alignment grip for easy placement, and half-increments of symbol on a Visibility state for fine-tuning."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: AutoCAD comes with a linetype called Batting, which looks just like this block. But the tipster is right: Linetype scale can be an issue when you are trying to use it. This is a good example of how to set up and use a dynamic block. It has several grip edits that control the display of the block; it can be stretched to any length, and the ends can be closed or opened. It’s easy to use and it stays the same size without any adjustment to the linetype scale.


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