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Tipster Dean Culver has created a dynamic block in AutoCAD for a labeled bracket.
"The bracket is a dynamic block that is inserted, then rotated to the right, left, top, or bottom using AutoCAD's normal Rotate command. Using the rotation action (blue dot) placed within the text, you can rotate the text to the desired orientation.
"The bracket can be stretched by using the blue arrows located on either side of the bracket to the left or right or from the top or bottom, depending on how the bracket is oriented. The text will remain centered in relation to its length, unless you modified the text position prior to stretching. The whole block can be moved using the dynamically placed base point at the center apex of the bracket."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: This is a great example of what you can do with dynamic blocks in AutoCAD. There are several ways to manipulate it, and it has a text option. If you need to create annotation similar to this, give it a try — or just take a look at how the block was constructed so you can create dynamic blocks.
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Comment by CULVER,DEAN
Posted on 2013-10-22 15:58:25
The easiest way to edit a multi line attribute is by using Cadalyst Tip #
3233 By Leonid Nemirovsky: By holding down the Ctrl key and double clicking
on an attribute, it becomes available for editing. Or by using the
ATTIPEDIT command which is the Attribute In-Place Editor. They are the same
Comment by CULVER,DEAN
Posted on 2013-10-22 15:59:02
The easiest way to edit a multi line attribute is by using Cadalyst Tip #
3233 By Leonid Nemirovsky: By holding down the Ctrl key and double clicking
on an attribute, it becomes available for editing. Or by using the
ATTIPEDIT command which is the Attribute In-Place Editor. They are the same