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Drawing Archival Preparations
Tip# 2087 By Craig Goings On 01-Feb-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 218
Categories : DWG
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2087: BindAllInSet.dvb
VBA routine will load a drawing and then rebind external objects to a local folder for easy archiving.

Drawing Archival Preparations (Tip #2087), from Craig Goings, is this month's top tip. Written in VBA to allow multiple drawing manipulations, this routine will load a drawing and then rebind external objects to a local folder for easy archiving. In the download file set for this tip, a read file from Craig explains the operations in much more detail, and he points out where VBA hackers might want to change a few things to match their own archiving requirements. Great job, Craig, and thanks for sharing this power tip with everyone!



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