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Send All Objects on Selected Layer to Back
Tip# 4275 By Scott Lawson On 24-Mar-2014
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Draw Order
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : No Files to download.
You can use this menu macro to quickly send all objects on the selected layer to the back.

Are you tired of having to select multiple objects on the same layer to send to the back behind other objects? This tip from Scott Lawson shows how to create a quick button macro using the Draworder command in only one pick. Optionally, you could easily modify the macro to bring objects to the front by switching the "b" in the code to an "f." Here is the macro code:


This macro works with most recent versions of AutoCAD, Civil 3D, etc.

In newer versions of AutoCAD you can grab an object, right-click, choose select similar, and then choose the appropriate draworder command. However, this method requires more picks.   

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: What a great way to acheive draworder by layer. This tip is a menu macro you can use in a ribbon button or toolbar button to quickly send all objects on the selected layer to the back (or front, if you choose).

Menu macros can be used to combine built-in commands as shown here to make powerful shortcuts.    


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