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Snap Distance
Tip# 1808 By Andrzej Gumula On 01-Jul-2002
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 388
Categories : Distance, Curved Objects
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1808: SNAP_DIST.LSP
SNAP_DIST.LSP Use this routine to calculate the snap distance for the start point of a line along the length of another line or an arc.

SNAP_DIST.LSP Use this routine to calculate the snap distance for the start point of a line along the length of another line or an arc.


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User comments
Comment by Kumar,Ramesh
Posted on 2012-01-30 15:45:07
It is very nice, but i want to draw circles on selected line or arc. can you make? plz...............!!!
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2012-02-28 15:57:12
Ramesh: You can do that with Tipe #3353, "Divide and Measure Plus" and its DivideMeasurePlus.lsp file. Use its turbo-charged Measure command, called MEA+. Either draw the Circle first, and use the user-Selection option and pick the Circle, giving its center as the base point, or have it defined as a Block or an external drawing and use the Blocks option. In this case, the Alignment doesn't matter -- accept the default. Give it a spacing, and call for the Centered-on-the-length option rather than Standard measure-command alignment. Then pick the Line (and another, and another, if you like). Or, use the turbo-charge Divide command, called DIV+. Prepare likewise with the Circle or a Block/drawing, give it a quantity or Maximum spacing, and call for insetting the end ones by whatever distance. Then pick the Line, etc. Be sure to watch the prompt line to get everything as you want it.