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Measure Multiple Distances
Tip# 4187 By Sanjay Kulkarni On 22-Sep-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 818
Categories : Distance
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : multiDist.LSP
The Command line history will record individual distances, as well as the cumulative distance.

Tip author Sanjay Kulkarni had an occasion to measure multiple distances repeatedly, but found the built-in AutoCAD commands too tedious. That experience inspired him to create this nice LISP routine to perform the task.

After you load this LISP file, type in the command MultiDist. You will be prompted to pick two points over and over until you decide to stop. The Command line history will record each individual distance, as well as the cumulative distance during the command. Distances are recorded as actual distance and are broken down into separate x and y values. The LISP code is pretty straightforward, and Sanjay notes that no error checking is provided.


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