Have you ever placed a sub-assembly and want the parts to show up structured in the parts list at the top level? This tip will show you how to modify your bill of materials to get the desired results in your parts list.
Open an assembly that has a sub-assembly inside it. Create a drawing of the assembly and place a Parts list. In the case below we have CAW233 PUMP SUPPORT ASSY.iam that is added as a sub-assembly into TEST ASSY.iam.
A drawing was created using TEST ASSY.iam as the base view. We really want all the parts inside CAW233 PUMP SUPPORT ASSY.iam to show up at the top level. As it is now the sub-assembly shows up as the top level.
Go back to the assembly CAW233 PUMP SUPPORT ASSY.iam and activate the BOM.
Note the structure of the assembly. Change the BOM Structure on the sub-assemblies, (in this case CAW233 PUMP SUPPORT ASSY.iam & CAW233 RW GP&SP SUP BRKT-CA SIDE (2) (2) NEW.iam) to Phantom, from Normal (double click inside the cell).
Click done and switch back to the .idw. Note the change in the parts list and balloons.