Kent Elrod sent us a tip on using the Shift key to cycle through selections and input types in a reverse order.
"I really like the ability to type the first few letters of a command and press Tab to scroll through all the commands that start with that key sequence. Even better is the ability to move backward alphabetically. For example, type Image, hold Shift, and press Tab a few times: you are going through the list in reverse alphabetical order. If I know I am looking for ImageOverlap, I can press Shift + Tab twice and I am there. If I use Tab by itself instead, it will take nine keystrokes. If you are moving through the command names with Tab and go too far, hold Shift down and press Tab to go back. "Holding the Shift key down to move in reverse works for other commands also. When you're tabbing between open drawings, holding the Shift key down while pressing Ctrl + Tab will allow you to move backward through the open drawings. In dialog windows like Open or when editing Attributes, this works to move backward through the various choices." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Type a letter — any letter — on the Command line or in your Dynamic Input field. Press the Tab key several times. This procedure will cycle you through the available commands in AutoCAD. Pressing Shift + Tab will cycle through the commands in reverse alphabetical order. Pressing Shift in AutoCAD while executing other commands will give you more options. |