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Leverage Snap in Autodesk Inventor Drawings
Tip# 4495 By David Gaskill On 29-Jun-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Operations, Dimension
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Have you ever tried to add a dimension to an Inventor IDW or DWG file and wanted the snap options that are in AutoCAD?

Have you ever tried to add a dimension to an Inventor IDW or DWG and wanted to have the snap options that are in ACAD? This is a frequently forgotten way to obtain the results you desire.

  • When adding a dimension to a drawing, if you find that you are not able to select the desired entities, right-click and select Snap Settings. If the option is checked, it will find that entity. If not, check the desired snap mode.


  • The snap mode will now make it easier to select your desired results.



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