This tip shows how to add name-specific parameters to your model and to then leverage one of the parameters from the other.
First create a rectangle. Then add a dimension, using the Constrain tool. In the Edit Dimension dialog box, type in length=1”. (Note that parameters are case sensitive and cannot contain spaces.)
Add another dimension using the Constrain tool. In the Edit Dimension dialog box, type in width=length/2. This will make the width a function of the length.
Finish the 2D sketch.
Go to Manage Ribbon, Parameters. Notice the parameters length and width, which were created when the dimensions were added.
Change the equation for the length parameter and you will see how both dimensions update in your sketch.
Notice the fx:1.000 dimension; this tells you this dimension is a function of another parameter.
Note: This tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.