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Delete Dimensions
Tip# 2143 By Theresa Poole On 01-Aug-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 418
Categories : Dimension
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2143: deletedims.lsp
Globally filter, select and delete dimension entities of a specified measurement (in a floor plan).

Delete Dimensions (Tip #2143) from Theresa Poole is this month's top tip. Poole uses QDIM and windows an entire floor plan resulting in repeated dimensions for interior wall thickness. This function hunts down dimensions that have the same value (her default value is 3.5") and removes them from the drawing. This is real production productivity in drawing at work. This tip contains tips within the tip such as using QDIM to get the dimensions done quickly followed by a sweep of the drawing by a LISP program. That is the sort of productivity thinking that deserves a Hot Tip Harry t-shirt! Great job! Thanks and a tip of the hat from Harry.



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