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Add Text under Dimensions
Tip# 3916 By Mosad Elewa On 17-Jun-2012
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 502
Categories : Dimension
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : TUD/,TUD/tud.dcl,__MACOSX/,__MACOSX/TUD/,__MACOSX/TUD/._tud.dcl,TUD/tud.lsp,__MACOSX/TUD/._tud.lsp
Insert text under an existing dimension.

Mosad Elewa has submitted a quick method for inserting text under an existing dimension in AutoCAD. Start by loading the LISP file. Because this routine includes a DCL file for dialog support, you will need to ensure that the DCL file is located in a directory that is included in your support file search path. After you load the file, type in the command TUD, then select an existing dimension. A dialog will appear that allows you to add a prefix or suffix to the existing dimension, and/or add a string to be displayed below the original text.


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