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An Alternative to the CleanScreen Command
Tip# 4355 By James Olszewski On 25-Aug-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Custom
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Make a simple switch between workspaces instead of retyping commands.

My tip is an improvement to Levi Connolly’s recent tip, “Unclutter Your View with the Clean Screen Command” (CAD Tip No. 4319). When trying it out, I found that it did not allow me to stretch the display out beyond the size of one screen (I use two monitors, and always have my work displayed across both). It also limited general resizing.

Since I maintain a workspace layout that I call “My Civil 3D” for how I want things arranged for toolbars, etc., I suggest that instead of using the CleanScreen command, you shut off all of the toolbars, etc., and save what is left as a workspace instead (calling it “clean,” or whatever you choose). Then it becomes a matter of merely switching between workspaces instead of retyping CleanScreenOFF or CleanScreenON, and most importantly, you can use both screens and resize on the go!

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: This is a good way to get around any limitations that you might have with the CleanScreen feature. Workspaces are a great way in general to build and save various menu and palette configurations.


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