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Rigid Insulation
Tip# 1962 By Theodorus Winata On 01-Jul-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 336
Categories : Curved Objects
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1962: RAL.LSP
RAL.LSP. AutoLISP function lets you select a graphic object for insulation hashes to follow.

Another familiar name was next on the list. Theodorus Winata submitted a utility that makes life easy when drawing rigid insulation along a line or arc. Rigid Insulation (Tip #1962) is an AutoLISP function that lets you select a graphic object for insulation hashes to follow. After you load the LSP file, type RAL at the Command line to start the command.

It asks you to select an arc, a line, or a polyline. Then choose or type the size and the side where the hatches should appear. This tip demonstrates the power of blending parameter and entity data with commands to create powerful tools.



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