Levi Connolly sent us two AutoCAD tips in one. Use them together, as Levi does, or separately as needed.
The first is the Blend command. Blend creates a spline that smoothly connects the ends of two lines, arcs, polylines, or splines. It works great when you need a smooth path between two oddly angled lines. The Blend tool can be found in the fillet drop-down on the Home tab.
To add to this, I then use the Join command to combine the objects into one entity. The old way of joining polylines is out. The Join command will join multiple types of objects at once, whether it’s an arc, line segment, polyline, or even a spline. The end result is a continuous polyline — unless there is a spline in the group, which will cause the end result to be a spline.
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: These really are a couple of commands that are not well known, especially among long-time AutoCAD users. They are both excellent time savers and should be explored if you are not familiar with them.