Frequent tipster Danny Korem shows us some simple tricks to modify the user interface in AutoCAD using the Customize User Interface Editor (CUI).
"Many users are looking for ways to make working with AutoCAD easier. As time passes, we get selective about how to use our memory (or lack thereof), so the CUI is something we AutoCAD users should adopt. The first level of modification is to drag a feature you use on a daily basis from the Command List in the lower-left corner of the CUI to the Quick Access Toolbar. For example, since I split my screen several times a day, I dragged the Tile Vertically icon to the toolbar.
"The second CUI trick is related to the Home option. Someone in my office said, 'When I select a dimension and right-click, I should get access to the Home option, as it used to be.' Well, I can't remember how it used to be, but here's the workaround: Locate the Shortcut Menus (highlighted below in red) in your current workspace and select the Dimension Objects menu (shown in yellow). Click the + icon to make it expand, and switch to the All Commands Only list at the bottom. Select the Dimension Align Text, IHome (shown in green) and drag it under the Dimension Objects menu.
"Save everything, select a dimension, and right-click. You should see this:
"A third option is to create keyboard shortcuts. The creation of a new shortcut involves duplicating an existing one and setting up the shortcut's properties. Clicking within the access field will cause a button to pop up; when you press it, you'll be prompted to select a keyboard combination."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: The CUI is a great tool that provides an easy way to modify the user interface in AutoCAD (and AutoCAD verticals). The tricks included in this tip are simple enough, and will help you in your workflow. Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar is very easy and ensures that you have access to commands regardless of the state of the ribbon (or toolbars, if you are still using them). Keyboard shortcuts are also great because the keyboard is always there for you. The right-click menu items share this benefit, plus they work regardless of settings (for the most part, anyway). |