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Macro to Add Right-Click for Iso Views
Tip# 3988 By Steven Matchett On 01-Oct-2012
Rated By 0 users
Categories : CUI (Customize User Interface)
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This custom macro will help you change views quickly.

Steven Matchett demonstrates a custom macro in AutoCAD he has applied to his mouse buttons that enable him to change views very quickly.

“I use Shift + right-click (osnap menu) and Shift + middle mouse button (transparent orbit) frequently, but I often became frustrated by using the standard AutoCAD isometric views (SE isometric and SW isometric). I found that edges in the front and back would tend to line up and make things a bit confusing, so I added a few more views to my mouse using Ctrl + Shift + right-click for a custom SE isometric, Ctrl + Shift + middle mouse button for SW isometric, and Ctrl + right-click to return to plan view (top view).

“First, create a new command in the CUI (Customize User Interface) Editor. Call it whatever you like. Then, in the macro portion for the new button, type this:

^C^C_-vp 60,-75,38 (Custom-SEISO — you can adjust the numbers to your liking [x,y,z])
^C^C_-vp -60,-75,38 (Custom-SWISO — you can adjust the numbers to your liking [x,y,z])

“Save each new command, then open your mouse buttons in the window above and drag your new commands to the mouse buttons of your choosing. As you can see in the image below, I have the Ctrl + Shift + button 2 (right) set to SEISO, the Ctrl + Shift + button 3 (middle mouse) set to SWISO, and the Ctrl + click + button 2 set to top view. Sometimes you will get a crazy view (too many objects); just reset to plan and turn off your osnaps.”

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: AutoCAD is great because it allows us to customize the user interface in a plethora of ways. The mouse provides further opportunites for AutoCAD customizations; get a five-button (or more) mouse and use the CUI tools to program those extra buttons to make life easier for yourself.


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