Michael Viscetto shares with us his method of getting data from a third-party program and putting it into AutoCAD as text.
"Using the ResCheck / ComCheck document as an example, under Save Report, save it as an RTF file which makes it a Word document. With both AutoCAD and the Word document open, highlight the verbiage of the document with the mouse (one sheet at a time, it does not seem to work right if you try to do more) then right-click, Copy, and go to AutoCAD to paste it with a right-click. Paste each sheet in paper space and it will be the same size at the right scale." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: ResCheck and ComCheck are third-party programs, some web-based, that help users check their information against building codes. The software generates a report. If you want that report, or parts of it, to be in your AutoCAD file, then save it into a format you can use. Michael suggests saving it as an RTF file, which will work great. If that isn't an option, try a TXT file, save to HTML, or even Copy and Paste the info into a Word process directly. Saving as an RTF or TXT file removes much of the formatting that is applied in certain software programs, giving you pure text. Once you have the data in one of these formats, it is easily copied and pasted into AutoCAD; no need to start a text object. I would even suggest that you open the text file with Notepad, as that program clears out formatting. If it gives you trouble, start a text object and paste directly into that. |