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Auto-Update Viewport Scales in Paper Space
Tip# 4153 By Brad Miller On 01-Jul-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Create Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Fields are a great way to display information in your drawings.

Tipster Brad Miller shares a way to automatically update text that displays the scale value of a viewport in AutoCAD's paper space.

"We used to have issues with people forgetting to update the scale in their viewport labels, so with the introduction of Fields I was able to create a viewport label that was linked to the viewport and would automatically update when you changed the scale of the VP.

"To do this, create a new viewport in paperspace. You can use an existing viewport label block, or just create mtext to display your scale. I have a viewport block that I use, but for simplicity let's just create mtext and type Ctrl+F to bring up the Fields dialog box. In the Field category: drop-down menu, select Objects. In the Field names: box below, select Object. Click on the button to the right of Object type: and select the viewport you created in paperspace. In the Property: box below, select Custom scale. Finally, select the Format: you would like to see the scale displayed as. Click OK and your current scale of the viewport is displayed.

"Now if you change the scale of that viewport, the Field will automatically update to the current scale. If you want to create a new viewport with this field linked to the new viewport, just copy both viewports together."

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: Fields are a great way to display information in your drawings. They can be used in any object that has text, including single-line text, multiline text, dimensions, leaders, or annotated blocks. Open a text object to edit it. Press Ctrl+F (or right-click) and select Insert FIeld. There are many options available, but in this case use the Object options. This allows you to display object information as text. You can select any object, in this case a viewport, and display almost any bit of information about it.


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User comments
Comment by Shehata,Tawfik
Posted on 2013-07-01 18:56:36
In addition, you can create a block containing the viewport and its scale field, and add it to a tool palette, this way you can reuse them in new drawings while keeping them linked, and maintain their standard properties. After adding the block you can right click on it in the tool palette, select "Properties" and set "Explode" to "Yes".
Comment by Rydman,Doug
Posted on 2013-07-02 08:52:39
I tried this tip and it worked fine as long as I was in fraction per foot. When I had a view scale at 1''=20' it stayed in fractional form. What can I do to get it to display in feet?
Comment by Rydman,Doug
Posted on 2013-07-02 09:06:04
I figured out how to get scale to display as 1''=20'. Editing the display value of the field got me what I needed. Since I don't use fields often, the HELP worked well.