WARNING: The red "Download This Tip" button above will not work for this tip; instead, download the ZIP file here. Update alert: CAD Administrator Aaron Werning updated this routine on February 22, 2010. The header information in the LISP file describes the exact changes that were made. The attached ZIP file now includes the updated LISP file. The top tip of this month is 3DText (Tip #2081) from Aaron Werning. This fantastic tool adds depth to a text object so it shows up nicely in a 3D drawing. Instead of creating text objects 3DText generates a series of polylines in blocks that trace the text characters and have a z depth. To use this program, load the LSP file and type 3DTEXT at the AutoCAD Command prompt. Press Enter to start the creation of a new 3D text graphic or select an existing 3DText object for edit. You must use the 3DText command to edit the text in the 3D text graphics. Each text sequence is stored as a block and each character is drawn as a block behind the scenes. Documentation on special characters and other aspects of the utility are provided in the header of the LSP file. This version supports only one font type and creating a new font for it may be tedious work unless you write a LISP routine to create the data lists. Congratulations on being the January top tip, Aaron. Nice programming! Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Creating 3D text can be difficult — but not with this routine. It will convert existing text into a 3D version, or you can create the text from scratch. Just choose New or Convert when you start the routine, then follow the prompts in the Command line. |