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Automatically Dimension Polylines
Tip# 3025 By Terry Miller On 18-Nov-2008
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 6512
Categories : Create Dimension, General Dimension, Polylines
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : DPL.lsp
Pick a polyline and this AutoLISP routine automatically dimensions the y distances.

Terry Miller earns the November 2008 top tip prize for Automatically Dimension Polylines. To use this marvelous tool, draw a polyline and load the LISP code. Type DPL at the Command prompt to activate the function and pick the polyline. This routine automatically dimensions the y distances. The current dimension variables are used as defaults. Y distance dimensions are created from one vertex to the next along with an overall y distance. The program is nicely structured so you can modify it to automatically dimension other items or properties if you are inclined to play with the LISP code.


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User comments
Comment by Johnson,Nancy
Posted on 2008-11-17 18:51:01
Hot Tip Harry's Top Tip for November 2008. --Admin