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Automatic Dimensions
Tip# 2170 By Raymond Rizkallah On 01-Jan-2007
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 3855
Categories : Styles, Create Dimension
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2170: AUTODIM.LSP
Quickly dimension features that can be located along a line.

Automatic Dimensions (Tip #2170) along a line from Raymond Rizkallah is a brilliant tool for quickly dimensioning features that can be located along a line. Aligned dimensions are created for all objects of interest between two points selected in space. Objects of interest are defined by layer names or by your selection. To run, load the LISP file into AutoCAD and type DM at the Command line. Another version named DMM is also included in this tip. Automatic dimensioning is a nice feature (when it works for you).



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