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Slope Annotation Tool
Tip# 2211 By Andrew Siddeley On 01-Jun-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1725
Categories : Linear Objects, 2D Geometry, Coordinates
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2211: slopeCalc.lsp
Routine calculates the percentage slope from one point to another given the elevation spot data.

Slope Annotation Tool (Tip #2211) from Andrew Siddeley kicks off the tips for this month. Consisting of three files, one LISP module and two drawing blocks, this routine calculates the percentage slope from one point to another given the elevation spot data. To use this routine, place the drawing blocks somewhere on your hard drive that AutoCAD searches. Insert the block SPOT at least twice in the drawing. When you insert the SPOT block, it prompts for the spot elevation attribute value. After inserting at least two spots, load the LISP code and type SLO at AutoCAD's Command prompt. It requests that you pick the two spot blocks (highest first) and asks you to select an existing slope data block or just press Enter to have one inserted for you. The slope is shown as a percentage inside the slope data block. You can adjust the blocks to fit your drawing style, and this well-written LISP module shows how easy it is to adjust attribute values inside AutoCAD. Great tool, Andrew! A tip of the hat from Harry!



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