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Tip 2296: Squares Made Simple
Tip# 2296 By Noel Gemilga On 01-Jun-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 648
Categories : LISP Code Modules, Linear Objects
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2296: Square_SQ.lsp
SQUARE_SQ.LSP: Two short functions for drawing a square. Use SQ (to use the Rectang command) or SQQ (to use the Polygon command).

Tip 2296: Squares Made Simple
Noel Gemilga submitted Squares Made Simple, a tip with two short functions for drawing a square using two different approaches. Load the LISP code and type either SQ (to use the Rectang command) or SQQ (to use the Polygon command). This utility is a great learning example for those looking to speed up basic AutoCAD operations using Visual LISP.



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