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Tip 2285: Automatic Xlines
Tip# 2285 By Jon Jonas On 01-May-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 434
Categories : Linear Objects
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2285: XHHVV.LSP
XHHVV.LSP: Routine simplifies the creation of a horizontal or vertical construction line (xline) at selected points.

Tip 2285: Automatic XLines
Automatic XLines by Jon Jonas simplifies the creation of a horizontal or vertical construction line (xline) at selected points. Load the LISP code and type XHH at the Command prompt to create a horizontal construction line at a selected point. You can use XVV in the same way to create a vertical construction line. This nifty little tip makes horizontal and vertical construction lines a breeze. Nice job, Jon!



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User comments
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2016-07-18 13:08:35
Here's a routine (ConstLines.lsp) I worked up over in the AutoDesk Forums [also available at http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017/rays-amp-construction-lines-controlling-layer-linetype-etc/m-p/6445203#M133751 ] that has those directions as options within ONE command, as well as options to switch between Xlines and Rays, and all orthogonal directions for Rays, and the Free option for pick-the-second-point each time in either, and an Angle option in which you give it an angle which it will re-use until you change options. You can draw as many Rays and/or Xlines as you want in one call of the RX command, switching among the options, Undoing one-at-a-time inside the command if needed, etc. It also makes its own construction-lines Layer [see instructions to edit its name and properties as you prefer].