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Tip 2278: Change Xref Layer Color
Tip# 2278 By Raymond Rizkallah On 01-Apr-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1132
Categories : Layer Properties, LISP Code Modules
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2278: XR-LAYCOL.LSP
XR-LAYCOL.LSP: Selects multiple objects before assigning a new layer color code.

Tip 2278: Change Xref Layer Color
Change Xref Layer Color is a utility from frequent contributor Raymond Rizkallah. In this variation of the layer-color edit, you can select multiple objects before assigning a new layer-color code. Using this tip involves loading the LISP code and typing the command XRC. As you select entity objects, a list of layers is constructed and displayed at the command prompt. When finished selecting objects, you will be asked for the integer color code to use for all the layers selected. This approach lets you change layer-color relationships in an externally created drawing to match your preferences.



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Comment by Rizkallah,Raymond
Posted on 2012-12-19 04:13:26
don't forget to set "VISRETAIN" system variable to "1" in your host drawing, to keep your color changes for the XREF.