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Tip 2277: Pipe and Column Extrusion
Tip# 2277 By Raymond Rizkallah On 01-Mar-2008
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 815
Categories : Solids, 3D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2277: LINE-to-3DSOLID.lsp
LINE-to-3DSOLID.LSP (Top Tip): Trio of functions simplify the creation of pipes and columns by automating AutoCAD's Extrusion command.

Tip 2277: Pipe and Column Extrusion
Raymond Rizkallah also supplied this month's top tip, Pipe and Column Extrusion, a set of utilities for 3D drawing work. The functions - CV3, CV4, and CV5 - simplify the creation of pipes and columns by automating AutoCAD's Extrusion command based on an entity object selection. All three, contained in the same source code file, accept a 3D line as input and then create a 3D solid shape. Use CV3 to generate a cylindrical column, use CV4 to create a square column, and use CV5 to create a column out of a closed x,y-plane polyline defined inside a block. These functions compute the required planes, then run the AutoCAD commands, allowing you to quickly transform lines into extruded cylinders, rectangles, and other shapes. Great work, Raymond, and a tip of the hat from Harry as he slides out the door to seek more tips from the power users on the CAD streets.



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