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Tip 2275: Align Text
Tip# 2275 By Ramesh Gopal On 01-Mar-2008
Rated By 3 users Downloaded : 2022
Categories : Single-Line Text, Multiline Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2275: TAL.lsp
TA.LSP: Lets you align text vertically or horizontally.

Tip 2275: Align Text
Align Text from Ramesh Gopal lets you align text vertically or horizontally. Load the LISP code and type TAlign. Select the text objects you want to align. Next, the utility will ask you to select a control text object. The other objects selected will be aligned using the base point of the selected control object. Next, type V or H for vertical or horizontal alignment. The rest is automatic with this power-editing tool. Harry says excellent work, Ramesh!



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