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Tip 2272: Layer Color Change
Tip# 2272 By Ryan Wunderlich On 01-Mar-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1076
Categories : LISP Code Modules, Layer Properties
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2272: XCC.lsp
XCC.LSP: Simple routine to automatically change the color of layers in AutoCAD.

Tip 2272: Layer Color Change
Ryan Wunderlich sent in Layer Color Change, a marvelously simple but useful tool for changing layer colors. To use this tip, load the LISP code into AutoCAD and type XCC. You will be prompted to select an entity. After you have selected an entity object in the drawing, the Color dialog box will display with the current color assignment of the entity object layer. Picking a new color will cause the layer color assignment to be modified. Wunderbar, Ryan! This utility is much quicker than navigating the Layer command to change the colors.



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