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Tip 2267: Mtext Framing
Tip# 2267 By Charles Hakari On 01-Feb-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 606
Categories : Multiline Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2267: MTEXTFRAME.LSP
MTEXTFRAME.LSP: Uses the masked border option of Mtext to construct a polyline frame around the text.

Tip 2267: Mtext Framing
Mtext Framing from Charles Hakari uses the masked border option of Mtext to construct a polyline frame around the text. To use this tip, create text with the Mtext command and enable the masked border options. This routine works best when the normal drawing background is used. Load the LISP code and type MTF to activate the command. You will be prompted to select an Mtext entity object. A polyline border with a width of 0 will be constructed around the Mtext. Nice job, Charles.



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