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Tip 2251: Bind Xrefs to the Drawing
Tip# 2251 By Sherwood Coleman On 01-Nov-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 639
Categories : DWG, Drawing Properties
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2251: BAX.lsp
BAX.LSP is a simple macro that combines Xref and Purge commands, binding external references into the drawing, then purging the unused information.

Tip 2251: Bind Xrefs to the Drawing
Bind Xrefs to the Drawing, by Sherwood Coleman, is a very simple macro that combines two AutoCAD commands -- Xref and Purge -- into a single command called Bax. This function binds external references into the drawing, then purges the unused information. This example is great for those just starting in LISP and wondering how to put together a macro involving a couple of commands and system variable settings. To use it, just load the LSP file and type C:Bax at the Command line of AutoCAD. The rest is automatic. When you start building new commands, you begin to take control of AutoCAD. Next comes productivity. Thanks for the tip, Sherwood.



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