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Templates in a Click
Tip# 2194 By Matthew Samario On 01-Mar-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 319
Categories : Templates
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2194: open-templates.lsp
Routine helps customize AutoCAD to enable a quick way to start a new drawing with a selected template.

Templates in a Click (Tip #2194) from Matthew Samario is another great example for those who like to dig around in the code, and its an example of making AutoCAD work faster for you. If you've ever wanted to have a quick way to start a new drawing with a selected template, this program is the solution. But to take advantage of this program, you must make some changes in AutoCAD's setup. The needed changes are documented in the LISP source code as comments. This tip is an excellent source for those wondering how to create shortcut menus using LISP and how to take your customizing of the AutoCAD user interface to another level.



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